Rest in Peace. A whole country is crying for this loss

Tragedies can happen to even the most deserving people because life is full of surprises. This is, unfortunately, one of those times. Zoe McKinney, a senior in high school who is 17 years old and a cheerleader, went hiking with her friends.

The Moab Rim Trail is where McKinney lost her balance and fell about 30 feet. From what the Moab City Police Department said, McKinney fell off a very steep cliff and left her friends in trouble. They tried hard to get to her, but it wasn’t safe to do so. The police were told right away, and search and rescue teams, along with fire and EMS, worked nonstop to get to the area above McKinney. Sad to say, McKinney died in the fall and wasn’t even pronounced dead when she got to the hospital. Search and Rescue had to work for two hours to find her body.