A Home With A Star..

These stars, specifically the five-pointed metal ones that sometimes grace homes, are more commonly recognized as barn stars or, colloquially, “Amish barn stars.” While they indeed carry significance, it has nothing to do with residents being swingers. The Ontario, Canada-based news outlet, The Voice, reported that these stars are most commonly found on the homes of Pennsylvania Dutch families. The Pennsylvania Dutch, an American cultural group that originated from southern Germany and settled in the United States, hold these stars dear as symbols of tradition and heritage.

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As reported by The Morning Call, a local Pennsylvania newspaper, the meaning of these stars may vary depending on whom you ask. Broadly speaking, they are often associated with bringing good luck and protection. Some even ascribe different interpretations to the color of the star. A quick online search reveals that barn stars are readily available for purchase and are a popular decoration choice, particularly in places like Pennsylvania. However, let’s be perfectly clear, putting up a barn star does not serve as an invitation or signal for those seeking alternative or unconventional relationships.